[[!meta title="Amitai Schleier"]] [[!img santa_ponsa_face.jpg align="right" size="185x185" alt="my face"]] Hi! I'm one of the two [[creators of this site|users]]. I like [writing](https://schmonz.com), [podcasting](https://agilein3minut.es), [coaching](https://latentagility.com/bio), and [ikiwiki](https://schmonz.com/tag/ikiwiki). :-) I'm interested in remote Agile because, so far, I've only seen it work with people who already get local Agile. I hope there are other ways it can work and I want to learn about (and contribute to) them. I'm interested in [[Extreme Programming|xp]] because, so far, it's the only way I've felt Agile really working. ### Reminder to self: these are some topics to write about - `ssh` + `tmux` - Morning standup - "physical" card wall - backup internet from a cellular provider - working from a home office, a coworking space, or anywhere at all - new team (designing itself for distributed) vs existing team (changing to distributed) - one or two remote people vs. everyone's remote (there's no one place it would even make sense to go to) - forced vs opt-in, as applied to people being far away from each other